Management & Leadership

Management & Leadership Course

Produce a high quality Leader with full management skills with us :

H1. 5E’s in People Management

H2. 7 Drivers for Personal Development

H3. Administrative and Office Management Skills

H4. Anger Management

H5. Business Negotiation Skills

H6. Change Management & Managing Change

H7. Coaching & Mentoring

H8. Conflict / Confrontation Management

H9. Critical Thinking Workshop

H10. Critical and Analytical Thinking Skills

H11. Customer Relationship Management  (CRM)

H12. Effective Negotiation Skills

H13. Effective Supervisory Skills

H14. Effective Time Management

H15. Emotional Intelligence at the Workplace

H16. Event Management

H17. Executive Development  Program (EDP)

H18. Fundamentals of Balanced Scorecard

H19. Fundamentals of Contracts Management

H20. Leadership Empowerment

H21. Leadership Dynamics

H22. Leader in You

H23. Strategic Planning

H24. Stress Management Skills

Contact us for more information.